Tuesday, November 10, 2009



  • Your baby can focus on an object 8-10 inches away, but does not see detail.
  • He hears high-pitched noises and is quieted by low-pitched sounds.
  • He watches intently when someone talks to him and imitates their facial expressions.
  • He will follow an object slowly with his eyes, but may often lose it.


  • He smiles directly at people and expects to be given his turn in "conversations."
  • He can locate a sound in front of him, but not one behind.
  • He can learn that one event follows another.
  • He kicks and waves his arms when he is excited.
  • He learns to make things happen.


  • When lying on his stomach, he can begin to lift his head up and prop himself up on his elbows.
  • He is interested in faces and recognizes his mother.
  • He can hold onto objects and wave them around.
  • He does not deliberately reach, but may swipe at objects and if they move, will swipe again


  • A four-month-old baby is interested in people and recognizes those who are familiar to him.
  • He squirms with excitement, squeals and laughs.
  • He watches his hands.
  • His hands are now usually open and he clasps his hand around objects that he touches.
  • Coordinating looking and reaching is difficult, but he can manage if he gets a lot of help from you


  • He rolls from his tummy to his back.
  • Stationary objects are now much clearer but he still prefers strong contrasts, sharp edges and bright colors.
  • He smiles at other babies, especially the one in the mirror.
  • His hands are open and he reaches out to touch and grasp.


  • When sitting up, he needs only slight support and may sit briefly unaided.
  • He can bang his rattle and shout at the same time.
  • He begins to look for things he drops.
  • He joins in activities which are centered around him.


  • our 7-month-old baby grasps by cupping his entire hand around an object.
  • He is beginning to use his thumb to push things into his hand.
  • When lying on his tummy, he creeps forward.
  • He can support his weight and stand if he holds onto furniture.
  • He recognizes voices and his name and tells tunes apart.
  • He prefers to look at complex objects and changes position to seek a better view.


  • Crawls forward or backward, sometimes while holding an object.
  • He is beginning to string two behaviors together.
  • He is developing small-motor skills such as the pincer grasp.
  • He begins to articulate sounds, starting with vowels and moving on to all the other sounds made in every language.
  • He starts to investigate the world.
  • He knows that toys don't disappear when they're hidden; they still exist somewhere.


  • He pulls himself up to stand using the furniture.
  • He sits alone and stretches to reach a toy without toppling over.
  • He can catch a suspended object or a ball rolled directly to him.
  • His hands are more skilled and his movements are more deliberate and varied.
  • He begins to make signs—lifting his arms to be picked up and banging a spoon to summon dinner.

10th MONTH

  • He may be able to walk if you hold both hands.
  • He can perceive depth and if he crawls, does not attempt to go down steps head first.
  • He responds to one or two commands.
  • He may know when the surprise happens in a song.He peeps around corners and loves to play peek-a-boo.
  • He begins to look for things he drops.

11th MONTH

  • He cruises along the furniture, standing up without your help.
  • His babbling begins to have the intonation of language.
  • He pulls himself up and sits again with confidence.
  • He knows that smaller objects fit in larger ones.
  • He knows the word 'no,' but may not be able to refrain from trying something anyway.

12th MONTH
  • He understands much of what is being said.
  • He imitates actions such as talking on the phone, sweeping, pushing a shopping cart, etc.
  • He likes other children but does not play with them.
  • He moves one object to reach another that was hidden from view.
12th-18th MONTH
  • By 13 months, about half of all babies walk, but most still fall over if they lose momentum.
  • He is more purposeful in the way he explores objects.
  • He can put two ideas together to make a plan and his behavior begins to flow.
  • He starts to treat objects in appropriate ways: he cuddles teddy bears and presses the button on his jack-in-the-box.

for more u can visit here